Your fans are going to be SO. EXCITED. when they experience what you've created! Below are a few important tech things we want you to be aware of as you prepare to launch your light show to the masses:

  • Our standard sonic overlay is a 16-bit, 48.0kHz WAV file. The final track we provide should not be modified, but played “as-is." Do not burn to a CD, convert the file format, or change the sample rate away from 48kHz.
  • We recommend NOT using Windows Media Player. If you are using Windows Media Player, make sure to not launch the file simply by double-clicking CUE's provided audio or video file. Instead, open the provided file in Windows Media Player, then scroll back to the start of the track. Otherwise, Windows Media Player fades in the beginning of the song, removing the first CUE trigger.
  • We recommend a "sound check" using your CUE enabled song, at least one week prior to first use. This will verify the sound system is not deploying any low-pass filters that will eliminate frequencies above a 17kHz threshold. Though it rarely hinders our services, if a low-pass filter is in place, there should be a simple way to turn it off on the system.
  • If possible, invite a group of interns or staff to participate in a test. Distributing them in various sections of the venue with their apps open, play the audio through the sound system at game day amplitude.

CUE Light Show Preview

Building Your CUE Light Show